Office Phone: (602) 476-1422
Fax: (480) 264-3656
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
For Regular Grading: NAC Test and Praxis, NAC Renewal Paperwork, or CDA Fast Track Portfolio Copy and Paperwork, should be mailed to the address at the bottom of the first page of your praxis or portfolio respectively. Packages arriving after 8/31/22 are NOT to be mailed to the Arizona address only mail to the Florida address provided. Packages mailed to the Arizona address will experience extreme delays and possible additional fees.
For Expedited Grading/Processing: Follow all expedited grading instructions provided when you registered for this service.
Registration fees are non-refundable. If it is more than 4 weeks before the event, you may email our offices to request to be switched to another event or Distance Learning. If it is within 4 weeks of the event you are registered for, a $100 switch fee will apply. You MUST call the main office to pay the switch fee.
Switches must be made before the class begins that you are currently registered for or the registration is forfeited.
Please include the following in all emails to the office
You will need a photocopy of your drivers license for all courses.
For NAC Test and Praxis Tutoring, you will receive an email with a list of suggested documentation within 24-48 business hours of registereing.
For the CDA Fast Track course, you will recieve a list of things to gather and bring with you for class. A computer with Microsoft Word is the most important item on this list and will be required for the course.
Lastly, and this goes for any conference you attend in any industry. Have a budget in mind to spend on resources to take home with you. Don't attend any conference without this. You want to take full advantage of the conference and bring resources back that will improve your work life and your business.
The Praxis is divided up into 20 documentation, evaluation and/or related activities and 4 additional extra credit documentation, evaulation, and/or related activities. Each unit has 2 Praxis items attached to it and each of the praxis items are rated at 1.25 hours/.125 CEUs based on the estimated and previously documented amount of time that those activities will take. The entire praxis is worth 25 hours of the 45 hour NAC course. Students have up to 6 months to complete the praxis. The praxis is open-book.
An optional Praxis Tutoring Session is also provided to help participants be prepared for their Praxis prior to arriving. The Tutoring Session will also help them understand and get immediate help with the activities of their praxis. Participants who sign up for this session will be given a pre-conference documentation activity list that they will be able to work on prior to coming to event. At the event, they will have an opportunity to discuss their Praxis directly with their assigned mentor (all participants are assigned a mentor but customarily do not have access to the Mentor until days or weeks after the event is over.) The session can streamline the process of completing the Praxis by allowing participants to attend the sessions with a pre-understanding of the Praxis activities. This enables them to understand the necessary components prior to the discussion during the daily sessions and allows them to work on them during breaks and in the evenings. This is a great option for participants who are under a time crunch for receiving their NAC or who are busy working adults. This Tutoring Session is modeled after seminar based accelerated college and Master’s level programs.
Register for Tutoring Here
Tutoring is an option that is available for the NAC course. It provides students with additional help on the test and praxis. Tutoring is offered at all of the live events on Saturday and Sunday Evenings after class. Students who pre-register for tutoring and come prepared are usually able to finish their Test and Praxis during the weekend and leave having earned your certificate. Tutoring is also offered through Distance Learning.
Click Here To Register For Tutoring
**Distance Tutoring will not be available 8/16/24-8/26/24. Persons who register for or who are registered for Distance Tutoring will resume the process on 8/26/24.
If you need additional time to completeing your paperwork you can file for an extension on the website prior to your due date.
Offering the opportunity for extension is at our discretion. It is at the discretion of the instructor whether to offer this opportunity. The instructor may decide not to offer this opportunity if the student has been uncooperative, has been found to have lied or cheated during their course work, has not followed instructions or any other situation which causes us to believe that the individual is not going to be successful even after this opportunity is given. The instructor may decide to require attendance at a live event to receive any of these services based on what we deem is best to enable us to help the student to be successful.
This sometimes happens when your computer stops recording your progress, however there is an easy fix. First clear your cache, replay the video, then continue to the next video.
In other words:
1. Clear your browser history.
2. Replay the video.
3. Continue to the next video.
Regular grading takes 2-3 weeks from when a file arrives and is checked into the office. Expedited grading is available and takes 24-48 hours for grading once a file arrives and is checked into the office. Registration for Expedited grading/processing
***Expedited grading/processing will be suspended for CDA, NAC and NAC Renewal from 12/18/24 - 1/06/25. Expedited packages that arrive between these dates will begin the expedited grading process 1/06/25.
You can register for expedited grading/processing here.
Expedited Grading/Processing Instructions:
1. Register for Expedited Grading/Processing
2. Print Receipt
3. Place Your Receipt Inside your package
4. Write "Expedited Grading/Processing" on the outside of your package.
5. Call our office at (602) 476-1422 to find out what address to mail your package to. (The shipping address will be given based on when you estimate it will arrive.)
6. Mail your package and get a tracking number. Keep that tracking number for your records.
7. Be patient and allow the office to process your package. Contacting the office before the allotted amount of time will delay the process.
If for some reason you mailed your package before registering for expedited grading/processing please call to request alternative instructions.
**Expedited grading/processing will be suspended for CDA, NAC and NAC Renewal from 12/18/24 - 1/06/25. Expedited packages that arrive between these dates will begin the expedited grading process 1/06/25.
Some states require the college credit for your director qualification. These states include Florida and New Mexico. In these states you will be required to earn the UAF college credit inorder to receive your credential.
The fee for college credit for the NAC course through UAF is now $200. This fee is a required fee is required for the NAC course if you will be using the credential for Director Qualification in either Florida or New Mexico. This fee can be paid by money order, cash or at live events by credit card with a $7.50 transaction fee.
If you have questions about this fee or when to submit it please give us a call at 602-476-1422.
Coupon: Beginning 8/1/24, if you are completeing your course in person. Print this page and provide it to "Event Manager" at registration when you FIRST ARRIVE (before you enter the classroom, electronic version will not be accepted) to receive $50 off your UAF fee. NICCM will pay $50 of your UAF fee for each person who prints this page and has it with them when they check in for their class. Each page can only be used for one person.
Please do this from a computer
1. You must first set up an account
Below are the instructions to set up your account with University of Alaska at ELMO: Easy Login Maintenance Option. You must do this in order to login to UAONLINE to obtain your unofficialtranscript.
a. Click on Lookup Username/ID
b.To verify your identity, fill in the requested information and then click on “Recover Username”
2. Login to UAONLINE:
Below are instructions for obtaining your unofficial transcript via UAOnline
a. Login using your UA username and password.
Once you're logged into UAOnline, you can access your unofficial transcript by:
Clicking on the Student Services & Account Information tab
Then, click on Student Records
Next, click on Academic Transcript
Click on Submit
Click on the Print Icon to print off your Unofficial Transcript
Issues? Please contact:
Jolie Phillips
CTC Student Services
UAF Community & Technical College 907-455-2800
In Florida DCF requires a credit to be issued by a university for the “Overview of Childcare Management Course” and the Florida Director Credential. We have partnered with UAF to offer credit for this class and issue transcripts. UAF issues transcripts once a month. Your paperwork and grades are submitted to UAF at the end of each session. This process takes about 1-3 weeks from the session end date.
Session End Date |
Submitted to UAF |
If Mailing - Must Arrive Before |
Expect My Certificate |
10/13/24 |
10/14/24 |
10/02/24 |
11/08/24 |
10/20/24 |
10/21/24 |
10/02/24 |
11/15/24 |
11/17/24 |
11/18/24 |
10/30/24 |
12/13/24 |
12/15/24 |
12/16/24 |
11/20/24 |
1/10/25 |
1/19/25 |
1/20/25 |
1/01/25 |
2/14/25 |
1/26/25 |
1/27/25 |
1/01/25 |
2/21/25 |
2/23/25 |
2/24/25 |
2/05/25 |
3/18/25 |
3/23/25 |
3/24/25 |
3/05/25 |
4/18/25 |
4/27/25 |
4/28/25 |
4/16/25 |
5/23/25 |
5/04/25 |
5/05/25 |
4/16/25 |
5/30/25 |
6/01/25 |
6/02/25 |
5/14/25 |
6/27/25 |
* Registering for Expedited grading does not change the date that paperwork is submitted to UAF. If you are considering expedited grading, call the office to see what they suggest.
*Contacting the NICCM or UAF prior to the expected certificate/transcript date will delay your certificate/transcript.
Once your paperwork is graded and a passing grade is received, certificates are processed within 24-48 business hours. Once issued, your certificate will be mailed to the business address listed on your Test/Praxis First Page or Portfolio First Page, unless otherwise requested on that form.
NOTE: If you are from a state that requires a UAF Transcript please allow extra time for your transcript to be issued. Use your Tracking number and consult your "peach sheet" to see when your certificate and transript will be available. Certificates are mailed the same day the transcript becomes available from UAF.
POLICY CHANGE: Certificates will no longer be faxed only mailed.
We are sure if you work dilligently and follow instructions you will do great, However if you dont pass you can file for re-testing here.
NAC Re-Testing through NAC Tutoring $150
CDA Fast Track Re-Testing $100
Re-testing and Reprocessing Policy: Re-testing and reprocessing of incomplete paperwork is a courtesy offered by our organization and not a right held by the student. Students are required to do their own work, follow instructions, submit complete paperwork and any additional requirements of the course including receiving a passing grade per the course description.
Offering the opportunity for re-testing or resubmission is at our discretion. It is at the discretion of the instructor whether to offer this opportunity. The instructor may decide not to offer this opportunity if the student has been uncooperative, has been found to have lied or cheated during their course work, has not followed instructions or any other situation which causes us to believe that the individual is not going to be successful even after this opportunity is given. The instructor may decide to require attendance at a live event to receive any of these services based on what we deem is best to enable us to help the student to be successful.
You can order a replacement certificate here.
***NICCM can issue replacement certificates for any certificate issued by NICCM since 2005. Certificates can take between 3-7 days to be issued, depending on the certificate circumstance.
Regular grading takes 2-3 weeks from when a file arrives and is checked into the office.
Expedited grading/processing is available and takes 24-48 business hours for grading once a file arrives and is checked into the office. Once a passing grade is received, renewing certificates are issued within 24-48 business hours. Registration for Expedited grading/processing.
Incompete renewal paperwork received by our office will be returned by mail to be completed and returned to NICCM.
Code of Conduct
NICCM (The National Institute of Child Care Management) Is an institute of higher learning and as such has a basic “Code of Conduct” to maintain the integrity of the certificates, training credit and credentials rewarded by the institute. Violating any part of this code is grounds for expulsion from any or all programs.
Participants must follow the “Rules of Collaboration” whenever collaborating with another student. Ignoring, being unaware of, violating or refusing/failing to follow these “Rules of Collaboration” are immediate grounds for expulsion from the program.
Participants may not cheat in any way by any definition including those listed under the “Rules of Collaboration” including plagiarism in any form.
Participants must take responsibility for their own course and must contact NICCM on their own behalf. It is not acceptable to have someone else contact NICCM about your course. This includes the person who might have paid for your course. The course and any credit or credentials received belong to the participant and therefore the responsibility for all communication concerning said course work or credit is the responsibility of the participant as well. In the case of a participant needing the help of a translator, the participant must be the one leading the conversation and the translator may only assist in translating.
Participants must follow all the rules of the course. This includes any rules that apply including but not limited to: rules regarding arrival and attendance of a live event including sign-in participation, course completion, test and praxis Instructions, tutoring Instructions, all rules that apply to distance learning students, rules set by any college or university with which the course is associated, rules set by any association or organization with which the course is associated, rules specific to the state or region where you are being credentialed, and rules regarding submission of your test and praxis or portfolio by mail.
Participants must take responsability for arriving for their course prepared. It is the responsabity of the student to educate themselves about the course requirements and options of their course and to arrive prepared for class. Failure to come prepared can result in being reschedulded. A Participants refusal to take responsability for arriving unprepared will result in becoming inelligible to continue.
Participant must be truthful. A participant may not lie to an NICCM representative about anything related to their course, registration, or any above rules of the course. NICCM defines lying as the following but not necessarily limited to: a) Making an untrue statement with intent to deceive, b) To create a false or misleading impression, c) Intentional omission of the truth to create an alternate reality, d) An assertion of something known or believed by the speaker or writer to be untrue with intent to deceive, e) an untrue or inaccurate statement that may or may not be believed by the speaker or writer.
Participants may not lend or give copy-written materials including printed or video materials to non-enrolled individuals or organizations.
Participants must follow the chain of communication and workflow of NICCM organizational structure in all course work and correspondence whether verbal or written. Refusal to follow this chain of communication/workflow or refusal to cooperate with any member of our team is cause for immediate explosion. All team members of NICCM have the authority to make the final decision concerning any issue with which they have been tasked. Refusal to accept the decision stated by a team member and/or administration of set rules or policies and/or requesting to speak to someone else is immediate grounds for expulsion.
Individuals must speak to NICCM Team members in a professional manner. All conversations in which participants are slanderous, (accusations of dishonesty or lying) and/or verbally abusive toward the team member, will constitute immediate grounds for expulsion.
Whenever a participant is expelled from any program, they are ineligible for any type of refund, discount or credit for course work, registrations or any fees paid during the course of that training. The act of violating the “Code of Conduct” is an act of deception whether pre-meditated or incidental and the participant’s actions have caused the action of expulsion which in no way is the fault of NICCM or it’s instructors or team members.
Once your Test/Praxis or Portfolio copy has been sent and arrives in our office it can then be graded. Be sure to track your package to confirm it has arrived in our office. Regular grading takes 2-3 weeks and Expedited grading/processing takes 24-48 hours. Once your paperwork has been processed it will be entered as Pass, Incomplete, or on the rare occasion a Fail.
PASS: When you receive a passing grade your certificate will be mailed to the business address listed on the first page of your Praxis or Portfolio, unless otherwise requested in the "side margin" of the same form.
INCOMPLETE NAC or CDA: You will receive an email with a list of items to complete and send in for reprocessing.
INCOMPLETE NAC RENEWAL: Your paperwork will be mailed back to you for completion.
FAIL: You will receive a call from your instructor and details on re-testing if available.
Re-testing and Reprocessing Policy: Re-testing and reprocessing of incomplete paperwork is a courtesy offered by our organization and not a right held by the student. Students are required to do their own work, follow instructions, submit complete paperwork and any additional requirements of the course including receiving a passing grade per the course description.
Offering the opportunity for re-testing or resubmission is at our discretion. It is at the discretion of the instructor whether to offer this opportunity. The instructor may decide not to offer this opportunity if the student has been uncooperative, has been found to have lied or cheated during their course work, has not followed instructions or any other situation which causes us to believe that the individual is not going to be successful even after this opportunity is given. The instructor may decide to require attendance at a live event to receive any of these services based on what we deem is best to enable us to help the student to be successful.
RULE 746.1015 What qualifications must the director of my child-care center licensed for 13 or more children meet?
Except as otherwise provided in this division, the director of a child-care center licensed for 13 or more children must be at least 21 years of age, have a high school diploma or its equivalent, and meet one of the following combinations of education and experience, as defined in §746.1021 of this division (relating to What constitutes experience in a licensed child-care center, or in a licensed or registered child-care hom
Education | Experience |
(1) A bachelor’s degree with 12 college credit hours in child development and six college credit hours in business management, | and at least one year of experience in a licensed child-care center; |
(2) An associate’s of applied science degree in child development or a closely related field with six college credit hours in child development and six college credit hours in management. A “closely related field” is any educational instruction pertaining to the growth, development, physical or mental care, or education of children ages birth through 13 years, | and at least two years of experience in a licensed child- care center; |
(3) Sixty college credit hours with nine college credit hours in child development and six college credit hours in business management, | and at least two years of experience in a licensed child- care center; |
(4) A child-care administrator’s certificate from a community college with at least 15 college credit hours in child development and three college credit hours in business management, | and at least two years of experience in a licensed child- care center; |
(5) Six college credit hours in management with a Child Development Associate credential or Certified Child-Care Professional credential |
and at least two years of experience in a licensed child- care center; |
(6) A day-care administrator’s credential issued by a professional organization or educational institution and approved by Licensing based on criteria specified in Subchapter P of Chapter 745 of this title, (relating to Day-Care Administrator’s Credential Program), | and at least two years of experience in a licensed child-care center; or |
(7) Nine college credit hours in child development and nine college credit hours in business management, | and at least three years of experience in a licensed child-care center. |
According to Florida licensing regulations you must meet one of 4 educational requirements to receive a Florida Staff Credential. One of the quickest and most cost effective ways to meet this requirement is to take NICCM’s CDA Fast Track 2.0 class and earn your National Child Development Associate (CDA). The CDA Fast Track 2.0 class can be taken through a live 3-day event or through the Distance Learning Program from home.
It takes about 15 minutes to complete the T.E.A.C.H. Scholarship Application, but you have the option to save your application and come back later to finish.
You will need to create and login to your Children's Forum Portal account and gather the following materials or information in order to complete the application:
** If you do not currently have your own email address, you can create a free email account at Gmail, Yahoo, Microsoft, AOL or other email providers.
It takes about 15 minutes to complete the T.E.A.C.H. Scholarship Application, but you have the option to save your application and come back later to finish.
You will need to create and login to your Children's Forum Portal account and gather the following materials or information in order to complete the application:
** If you do not currently have your own email address, you can create a free email account at Gmail, Yahoo, Microsoft, AOL or other email providers.
The CDA Fast Track course provides an efficient and personalized pathway to CDA qualification. We focus on each student’s unique background, allowing for significant time savings in your certification journey.
This intensive format enhances productivity and comprehension, unlike traditional semester-long courses that often exceed 32 hours of instruction but include frequent interruptions.
Additionally, CDA Fast Track attendees receive up to three months of support from their instructor, helping you effectively apply your new knowledge. Choose the CDA Fast Track course for a focused and impactful learning experience!
To meet council requirements, it’s essential to receive training in the following key areas:
Enrolling in our CDA Fast Track course will empower you to master these important subjects and effectively showcase your expertise!
The CDA Professional Development Specialist (PDS) conducts the CDA Verification Visit with the candidate. During this visit, the PDS will observe you working with children and review your portfolio. In our CDA Fast Track program, you will complete your portfolio, and we will assist you in finding a qualified PDS to ensure you are fully prepared for the observation.
Office Phone: (602) 476-1422
Fax: (480) 264-3656
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
HandPrint Products was formed by Bradley Smith to handle his growing line of products that had been created as a support for Directors and Teachers in the Early Childhood Education field. Currently HandPrint Products has a child care training video (DVD) series consisting of 72 titles, a policy and procedure system consisting of 10 manuals, books and other products including his top selling “101 Learning and Transition Activities” book.
During the past decade, Bradley Smith has led HandPrint Productions to become the leader in consulting of childcare business practices. This includes: fiscal management, enrollment management, marketing, human resource, small business issues, and leadership. In addition, the services include help with specific issues concerning handling sensitive issues to avoid fall-out or minimize the likelihood of litigation. Currently, consulting services are available including: on demand, monthly access, 30 day, long distance, on-site, and extended services. In addition, career and business coaching and mentoring services are also available. Contact us for more information or to schedule a consult. We guarantee your satisfaction!