How do I RENEW my Florida Directors Credential?
Once you have met all the requirements you submit your Florida Director Credential Renewal Application to Tallahassee for approval.
Submit application, required documentation to the address below. Please allow 4-6 weeks for processing.
Child Care Program Office - Credential Unit, DC Renewal1
Florida Director Credential Renewal Requirements
The State of Florida requires 3 things:
1. An active staff credential documented on CF-FSP Form 5206.
2. 4.5 Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
Now NAC Approved by T.E.A.C.H!
NICCM offers a course that meets the educational requirement for Florida Director Credential Renewal. The National Administrative Credential (NAC) Course will give you the 45 vocational credit needed to renew your Florida Director Credential and will also earn you a National Directors Credential. NICCM's NAC Course can be completed through a live 2 and a half day weekend course or through the Distance Learning Program online.
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3. Professional Contribution Requirement
Click Here to Dowload the Florida Director Credential Application (CF-FSP Form 5290)
Section 6 Active Staff Credential (No Ducumentation Required:
- Staff Credential Verification Must be active at the time of renewal.
- Child Care Training Transcript will be used verify an active staff credential.
Section 7 Educational Requirement:
Training must be completed through one of the following:
4.5 Continuing Education Units (CEUs) – training certificates must clearly list the number of CEUs awarded and the date earned.
Three college credit hours from an accredited or U.S. Department of Education recognized institution – copy of college transcript documenting the semester and year the college credits were earned. If the subject area and age range is not clear on the transcript, please include a course description provided by the university or college in which you attended the training.
- Forty-five clock hours completed at a Florida Career Education Center (public vocational or technical school), Florida Community Colleges, or an institution licensed by the Florida Commission for Independent Education.
- Forty-five Department of Education district approved teacher in-service points.
- Any combination of the above training hours. (For example: 1 college credit +1.5 CEUs+15 vocational hours).
- Training must be completed within last five years. In-service hours, non-vocational class hours, or coursework previously submitted to earn an initial/renewal credential will not be accepted. Training must be under any of the following topic areas:
- Overview of Child Care Management (cannot be the same course used for initial credential)
- Child Care and Education Leadership and Management
- Child Care and Education Financial and Legal Issues
- Child Care and Education Programming
Section 8 Professional Contribution Requirement:
One of the following professional contribution activities must be completed within last five years:
- Make a presentation in the field of early childhood or school-age education at a conference, association meeting, coalition meeting, or teach courses through an educational institution such as a college or career- technical center. (Documentation must include a copy of the presentation, agenda, syllabus AND sign-in sheet, class roster or conference brochure.)
- Serve as an officer, committee member, consultant, or mentor in a professional organization related to the field of early childhood or school-age education. (Documentation must include proof of role in organization, including length of time involved and duties. Letter should be from the organization, client, or person being mentored. Membership alone does not satisfy this requirement.)
- Publish an article related to the field of early childhood or school-age education in a professional journal, professional newsletter, newspaper article, letter to the newspaper editor, or book. (Documentation must include a copy of the published article and proof of publication such as the journal, newsletter, etc. Blog type activities do not satisfy this requirement.)
- Participate in an educational research project related to early childhood or school-age education. (Documentation must include proof participation was at least three months in the research project.)
- Complete initial or renewal of a Florida-recognized accreditation program. (Documentation must include proof of accreditation.) For a list of approved accreditation organizations, visit - select “Gold Seal Quality Care Program.”
- Serve as a validator or advisor for a Florida-recognized accreditation program, as a National Child Development Associate (CDA) advisor, or as a school-age certification representative for the Florida Child Care Professional Credential School-Age Program. (Documentation must include completion of one validation or accreditation visit.)
- Serve as an editor or reviewer for a professional journal or book. (Documentation must include proof of completion of review such as letter from publisher.)
- Participate in a rule development workshop for a governmental agency. (Documentation must include proof of active participation at the rule workshop from agency holding workshop and include information shared. Active participation requires providing information for change, rationale for change, providing written suggestions, or sharing information or opinions on proposed rule.)
Renew your Florida Director's Credential Today!
Need more information about Credential Renewal?
Contact Us at (602) 476-1422