NICCM Program Options

3-Day CDA Fast Track $509 NICCM’s program will get participants CDA ready in as few as 3 days.  Think this is impossible?  Hundreds of participants have already accomplished this with our program.  Our CDA specialist will walk you through the entire process in ONLY 3 days.  (Also available as a distance program)

Texas Director Credential $509 A “user friendly” two-and-a-half-day option with unsurpassed management training and a competitive price.  NICCM’s Credential Program is an approved Texas Director Credential. 

Florida Director Credential $509  Call  602-476-1422 for more information on how NICCM's NAC can help you earn your Florida Director's Credential. NOW APPROVED by the TEACH Scholarship!

Utah Approved Educational Credential $509 The NICCM National Admistrator's Credenential NAC is now accepted as a valid "Educational Credential" to meet the qualification for child care center directors.  The CDA earned from the CDA Fast Track course is also an approved Utah Educational Credential. 

New Mexico NAC $509 The NICCM National Admistrator's Credenential NAC is accepted for Director qualification in New Mexico.  

Louisiana Director Qualification $509  The NICCM National Admistrator's Credenential NAC  meets director qualifications required by Bulletin 137 1709.2. in Louisiana. 

National Administrator's Credential (N.A.C.) $509  Provided by specialists who have successfully worked in the industry in which they provide training.  The NICCM NAC Credential gives an administrator the same type of credibility that being accredited gives a center.  Furthermore, it is a proven fact that credentialed professionals can command higher salaries.

NAC Renewal $139  We have many options to help you renew your NICCM NAC or convert your current non-NICCM credential.  Meeting the requirements for renewing your NICCM NAC is a simple process and carries no additional fee.

Distance Learning $559 Both the NICCM's NAC and the CDA Fast Track Course are available as a convenient and flexible distance/home-based program. Distance Learning Courses are available through our innovative video based web version.  Earn or renew your credential from home.

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About Bradley


Bradley Smith has been an adult educator and motivational speaker for over 20 years.

His knowledge and expertise in the areas of child care center management, human resources, leadership, business issues and classroom procedures ...

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New Brochure!


Online Training

 Handprint online Training Flyer



National Administrative Credential

Texas Director Credential

Florida Director Credential


    Convert or Renew your Credential


  Frustrated with having to renew

your credential every year?





Distance Learning Program


Tired of your training hours

not being accepted?

-Earn or Renew your Credential from Home.

- Entire Course Available on DVD








3 Day CDA

Fast Track

 Completely Renovated! 

$999    7 Day Caribbean Leadership Training Cruise
Discounted rates available for persons not attending the training. 
   Navigator of the seas 2015 Front
 Itinerary: RCL
Navigator of the Seas
1.11.15 (Sun): Galveston, TX - 4:00pm
1.12.15 (Mon): Cruising
1.13.15 (Tues): Cruising
1.14.15 (Wed): Roatan, Honduras 
1.15.15 (Thurs): Belize City, Belize 
1.16.15 (Fri): Conzumel, Mexico
1.17.15 (Sat): Cruising
1.18.15 (Sun): Galveston, TX - 8:00am
20 Contact Hours of Training
 10 Pools & Whirlpools
 16 Bars, Club and Lounges
 Ice Skateing Rink
Rock Climbing Wall
  Flowrider Surf Simulator
 Miniture Golf Course
l Full Service Spa
 More than 12 Unique Dining Options

Check out the Ship at 


 Training Schedule

 voyager class1

1.12.15 Monday: Sea Day 1

7:00am-9:15am  “Ten Keys To Success In Management”:  Directors and Managers frequently make the same mistakes that keep them from reaching their highest potential.  Bradley has successfully consulted across the nation with directors for over a decade.  In addition to this he literally trains thousands of early education directors, owners and managers every year.  Based on this experience he has narrowed the common mistakes to 10 key areas.  Find the 10 keys to success from a consultant who knows the common pitfalls.

9:15am11:00am “Identifying Growth Tipping Points”:    Bradley has been a consultant and trainer for over a decade and has identified the growth tipping points in early education centers.  Participants will be exposed to the general growth tipping points and team strategies to allow them to power through them.  Frequently organizations get stagnated in their growth and find themselves going back and forth in an endless cycle.  This class will show that it is often not about economic conditions or even cyclical patterns, but is about understanding what it takes to go to the next level.


11:00am-12:00pm " Question and Answer Session": One of the past participants favorite things about the training cruise environment is having such proximity access to the presenters.  The first day will be structured to give ample time for each participant to ask questions directly to Bradley and the NICCM team concerning issues that are near and dear to their individual programs.  Come prepared with your issues and topics that you would like to discuss.

 1.13.15 Tuesday: Sea Day 2

7:00am-9:00am   “Employees Have Personality Too": One of the challenges an administrator faces is in getting employees to work together in unity and harmony. This humor-filled session will relate the 4 basic personality types to interpersonal relationships including those within the center. A good manager will understand that “employees have personality too” and that it will affect the way they react and respond to others and their responsibility. An effective administrator will not only use this knowledge to pull the right people around them in an administrative environment but also in giving out assignments and in methods used to manage people and their talents.


9:00am-11:00am “Selling Strategies”:  Bradley has successfully grown over a dozen centers and has advised hundreds of directors and owners concerning strategies to grow their centers.  This class shares the top ten components and strategies that aid in selling and overcoming stagnated or negative center growth.  Topics include: Rates Structure; Selling Spots vs. Charging for Care; Guaranteed Spot vs. “Waiting List”; Turning Call-ups into tours; AND Developing a “MUST HAVE” tour. 

11:00am-12:00pm  “Question and Answer Session” One of the past participants favorite things about the training cruise environment is having such proximity access to the presenters.  The second day will also be structured to give ample time for each participant to ask questions directly to Bradley and the NICCM team concerning issues that are near and dear to their individual programs.  Come prepared with your issues and topics that you would like to discuss.

shutterstock_268840271.17.15 Saturday: Sea Day 3

7:00am-9:00am  Understanding and Implementing the 80/20 Pareto Principle”: This principle discovered in 1897 by Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto has become a powerful leadership strategy.  Participants will discuss the basics of the principle and how this once only economic principle governs much about leadership and how groups of people respond in given circumstances.   The Pareto Principle is a time management principle, it governs the way we can implement change and had an affect on developing leadership structures with an administrative environment

9:00am-11:00am ”Coaching and Mentoring Your Staff To Success”This session will introduce the concept of “coaching” and how that can grow or lead to “Mentoring.”  One of the first issues discussed is how to differentiate between the tactics of coaching and mentoring and traditional management strategies.  The concept of developing a life mission statement will also be explored.  Participants will learn methods to develop a coaching and mentoring structure within a center program.  A model for creating life and career coaching relationships will also be discussed.  The “HandPrint Hundred ™” and similar life/career coaching programs are also introduced in this session.

11:00pm-12:00pm   “Conference Wrap up and Final Question and Answer Session”:   After having your horizon's broadened through the previous training sessions - Participants will have one last opportunity to network, ask question of the presenter and NICCM team.  This time slot will also be used to finalize the paperwork and CEU portion of the training session.



Reduced for a Limited Time!
$599   5 Day Western Caribbean Training Cruise
Book Early and Save Even More!


  • Discounted prices available for persons not attending the training. 
  • Price includes training and cruise.
  • 15 contact hours of training offered.    
  • All Deposits are 100% Refundable till 12/10/12 



Don't wait too long, Space is Limited!  




 Itinerary:  TRIUMPH

2.11.13 (Mon): Galveston, TX - 4pm

2.12.13 (Tues): Sea Day

2.13.13 (Wed): Progreso, Mexico  - 7am to 3pm

2.14.13 (Thurs): Cozumel, Mexico - 8am to 4pm









2.15.13(Fri): Sea Day

2.16.13(Sat): Galveston, TX - 8am


Check out the ship at




Training Schedule


2.12.13 Tuesday: Sea Day 1


“Financial Analysis – What Your Accountant doesn’t know to tell you”:  Bradley has helped literally hundreds of centers analyze their financial structure and reporting systems.  This session includes a structure and strategy to use in analyzing a center’s financial reporting system including developing a checklist of the most important information to be gleaning from each monthly and annual report.  Topics will include:  FTE – what does it mean; recognizing the most important information from a financial report and learning to interpret what the numbers are telling you.

"Understanding Younger Workers":



2.15.13 Friday: Sea Day 



“Dealing with Difficult Employees": As a Director/Manager/Leader your success is directly linked to the success of your employees.  This session will give proven strategies and ideas for overcoming the challenges associated with difficult employees.  Topics covered will include dealing with tardiness and absences, creative methods for “de-hiring” and doing negative things in a positive manner such as using the concept of “Mutual Resignation”. 

"Pathways to Professionalism":

“Delegation 101”:  Many leaders lack mentoring and training in delegation and delegation tactics.  Leaders can be told to delegate, however without specifics many will not be able to implement effective delegation.  Without this skill leaders will burn out and fail.  This training is an overview of the concepts that make administrative delegation effective and attainable.  Topics covered are:  Incremental delegation; use of a circular organizational structure and macro management; a sub-team concept and how to develop a strategy for delegating including what to delegate first.

 Other Optional Discussion Times - TBA




Deposit Due Dates

 All deposits are refundable until December 10th, 2012.


Reserve Your Spot! October 10th, 2012 December 7th, 2012
$50.00 $300.00 Balance Due




For More Information or to Reserve Your Spot Call (602) 476-1422




Bradley Smith

Consulting and Training Form
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Recent Participants

Our Downloads

HandPrint Products

HandPrint Products was formed by Bradley Smith to handle his growing line of products that had been created as a support for Directors and Teachers in the Early Childhood Education field. Currently HandPrint Products has a child care training video (DVD) series consisting of 72 titles, a policy and procedure system consisting of 10 manuals, books and other products including his top selling “101 Learning and Transition Activities” book.

Consulting Services

During the past decade, Bradley Smith has led HandPrint Productions to become the leader in consulting of childcare business practices.  This includes: fiscal management, enrollment management, marketing, human resource, small business issues, and leadership.  In addition, the services include help with specific issues concerning handling sensitive issues to avoid fall-out or minimize the likelihood of litigation.  Currently, consulting services are available including: on demand, monthly access, 30 day, long distance, on-site, and extended services.  In addition, career and business coaching and mentoring services are also available.  Contact us  for more information or to schedule a consult.  We guarantee your satisfaction!