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Worth 6 Contact Hours of Training
February 2nd (8am-12pm) -Fairbanks, AK
Working With The Difficult Employee
This session Deals with basic priciples of supervision including: Confrontation Techniques, Dealing with Absenteism, using the 20/80 principle to minimize challenges with employees, Patterns of Difficult Staff, Strategies for Managing Conflict with Problem Employees, the Issue of Hiring Friends and Family, accepted Causes for Discipline/Termination, Developing a Discipline Action Plan, and Termination Strategies. Mr. Smith will share a concept he calls" Mutual Resignation".
Administrative Leadership
This topic includes a discussion of implementing a team approach to simple things like attendance, job performance and attitude. Administrative organization as a technique for classroom and center management will be discussed including the handling of parent/staff conflict through diversity training. Organizational structures will be covered including the circular organizational structure as well as pyramidal hierarchy.
For More Information or to Register Call (602) 476-1422